Helpful Tips on Descriptive Essay Writing, With 2 Examples
A descriptive essay requires a student to describe something; an object, person, experience, situation, emotion, etc.
These essays test a student’s ability to develop a written account of something.
An excellent descriptive essay should enable the reader to get a clear and flowing picture of your account.
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Descriptive Essay Writing
Descriptive essay writing is required in high school and some college courses.
It sounds easy, but most students do not have adequate skills to produce impressive descriptive essays.
This kind of writing requires excellent literary skills, creativity, and a lot of practice.
Also, you could improve your writing by going through other well-written descriptive essay samples.
The Dos Of Descriptive Essay Writing
Have difficulties composing a descriptive essay?
Consider the following:
1. Develop a statement
The first step of writing a descriptive essay is coming up with a central idea or argument that your essay will focus on.
This statement will be the introduction to your essay and should effectively work as a framework for your topic.
2. Create an outline
An outline is more like a skeleton of the actual essay.
It helps you remember your main points and stay on topic.
In the outline, have sections labeled introduction, body, and conclusion.
In each of these sections, briefly note down what you will write.
In the introduction section, draft how you introduce your story and your main idea.
In the body section, list the details of your story you will include in each paragraph.
3. Use complex vocabulary
A descriptive essay tests your ability to express yourself in a specific language.
Therefore, you should make sure that your vocabulary reflects your level of study.
Avoid simple words like sweet and good, and replace them with more complex words like tantalizing and superb.
4. Use illustrative language
In a descriptive essay, you want your reader to get a clear picture of your story.
You do that by invoking all the five senses.
Achieving that requires figurative language – do not merely state what you saw or felt; explain it.
5. Write your introduction in the present tense
Avoid using phrases like “in this essay” or “my essay.”
Explain to the reader in the present tense what they can expect in the essay’s body.
Present your introduction to show your proficiency in language and an in-depth understanding of the subject of discussion.
6. Conclude
Sign off using a reaffirming statement, a rhetorical question, or a question that might inspire a reader to conduct further research.
The idea is to keep your essay fresh in a reader’s mind long after they have finished reading it.
Most importantly, the conclusion should remind the reader of what you have been discussing in the essay’s body.
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The Don’ts Of Descriptive Essay Writing
When writing your descriptive essay, don’t:
- Address the reader. In fictional writing, authors address the reader to try and appeal to their emotions. However, even if you are writing a personal experience or an imagined situation, do not address the reader in your essay. Remember, a descriptive essay should be factual. So, to remain objective, avoid addressing the reader and including your personal opinion.
- Forget to proofread. Most word processors have the spell checker feature, which you can use to proofread your work. However, please do not rely on the spell checker alone as it does not correct grammar, contextual spelling errors, punctuation, and issues with flow and syntax. It is advisable to have another person proofread your work as human beings are often oblivious to their own mistakes.
Descriptive Essay Sample #1
Light Skin vs. Dark Skin Women and the Opportunities Offered To Them
There are still a few areas where there is no stigmatization of color in the world. Most of the countries in Latin America have different policies and laws that are very helpful in preventing discrimination about the color of the skin. In most communities of Native America, Red-Black Cherokees were never accepted in tribes, but those who had lighter skin colors were very welcomed (Richard & Stefancic, p17). Despite these occurrences in America, Asia takes the lead in the intense stigmatization of dark skin. There has been discrimination against dark skin in India for a thousand years, and they have been seen as untouchables. Even before the arrival of the Europeans in Japan, there was always stigmatization of dark-skinned people. By the traditions of the Japanese, a fair-skinned woman remunerates seven blemishes. Mixed race births have been increasing largely in number, which has not made it easier for the offspring. The children from these marriages are never black enough or white enough for their people.
The many changes that were available in the economy of the nation, people losing their jobs, economic depression, and many more opened doors for the citizens to come to terms with the gender equality notion in different workforces. When we look at reality concerning racism, it was very clear that most white men were very willing to consider the rights of women as long as they were granted that those rights would purposely maintain and protect white supremacy. Skin color has affected job opportunities for many people all over the world. For example, female immigrants had no problem getting jobs. However, Asian and black women had disadvantages because of color compared to white immigrants. Some people choose workers according to color and type of hair. For example, in 2014, in movie casting, they wanted African-American girls for that post. The girls were ranked from A-D; girls in group A were expected to have long hair and be very classy. B group was expected to have lighter skin and a good body. Those in group C were to have brown skin and a weave. Those from group D were the lowest of all (Joseph-Dottin, p3).Abstract
Most women want to be just like men and do not consider that feminism is all about equality for both men and women (Hooks p.11). Being a feminist does not mean one has to be angry and hate men because one can be a friendly feminist. Feminism can be defined as a movement to bring sexism, oppression, and sexist exploitation to an end. The feminist mission is all about female rights and equality, not anti-male. The major problem is sexism, and people should know that both males and females from birth have been made to accept sexist actions and thoughts. Women, therefore, are allowed to be sexist just like men. This, however, does not excuse male domination. Many reformist thinkers chose to emphasize matters concerning the equality of all genders. The revolutionary thinkers were not willing to alter the already available systems, for they wanted more rights for women.
Feminists who were also reformists thought primarily focused on equality in the workforce for men blocked the main foundation of contemporary feminism. This is because it majorly focused on changes in the general restructuring of the society; to help the country be all anti-sexist. This caused most women, more so the privileged white ones, to stop considering the visions of revolutionary feminists as they were receiving different powers. This happened after they started gaining economic power within existing social structures. When talking about abortion matters, women of all kinds of races, black or white, have the privilege to access abortion that is safe. It does not matter where you are from, but the safety of all women is the priority. This, however, affects those from a different class, for example, those from poor backgrounds. As much as they have the right to choose, sometimes these costs are too high for them (Hooks, p15).
The difference in the class hierarchy has been an issue contributing to women’s division for quite some time. Previously, the working-class white women made recognition that there was a presence in the hierarchy of class. As the movement of feminists continued, white women who were well educated were privileged enough to attain the same power access as their fellow males, which caused the struggle for the feminist class not to be seen as necessary. The privileged whites got recognition from all corners, inclusive of the media, and the main issues that affected working-class women were not, in any case, highlighted anywhere. These white women were the only ones who could air their problems, and the rest of the women were forgotten just like that. Sexist oppression and gender discrimination are not the main reason that made privileged women from other races stay at home; they stayed at home because the jobs assigned to them were the same jobs they would have done even with lower skills. Elite women with very high education chose to stay at home instead of doing other kinds of work because they were paid very low despite their education.
White privileged women made it public about their ownership of different movements forgetting the other races that helped them develop the movement. Their action and decision put poor white women, women of color, in the followers’ position. They ignored all the other white women and the black women heading the movement; they just took charge of it. They made it very clear that they were the owners, whether or not they were present during its formation. They then overlooked race issues and gender discrimination cases in neocolonialism contemporary. The sexuality of men and women is very different. Men and women are not equal, but privileged white women are equal to these men. This shows how much power the privileged white women have over other races. This is why when they took over the movement, they became the talk of the town and no one else further paid attention to the real problems that other women had.
Women should support each other despite their race, class, or religion. The fact that white women with privileges would choose to overtake an organization based on fighting for fellow women’s rights to focus on their benefits is heartbreaking. These women, despite their privileges, should have used the spotlight they had to bring to the public on the issues affecting women out in the world. To everyone’s surprise, they used the spotlight to gain recognition and made other founders of the movement followers. This is a clear indication of selfishness, and for women to get the equality they need, they should stand firm and together to fight as one, in unity. Light women thinking or believing they are better than dark women should come to an end to bring the interests of women together.
Studies show that people of mixed race are, in most cases, put below white people but above black people. It even indicates that black women with dark skin suffer more in the sentences they are given in prison than those with lighter skin colors. 12000 Black women who had been imprisoned were sampled in a study between the years 1995 and 2009 in North Carolina. The results showed that the counterparts with lighter skin colors received 12% fewer sentences during their time behind bars than those with darker skin (Jill et al., p.254). The results indicated that for those with lighter skins, their color contributes to the reduction of their actual time in prison by up to 11%. A study at the University of Georgia indicates that most employees opt for black women with lighter skins than those with darker skins despite their work experience and qualifications.
Women should stand together and get what they want. They deserve so much better than being described as where a man gets his pleasures from. How can one use sex to describe another person? Coming up with movements to fight for their rights is a good idea. Whether black or white, light or dark, we are all women, so the color does not matter. People should appreciate the different diversities instead of treating people of color and black people differently. Privileged women who have the attention should wisely use that media spotlight to get other women what they need—things like equality in their workplaces where men are treated as superior to them. Women need to grow together, and the only way to acquire this is to stand by each other and fight together to achieve their needs.
Works cited
Anne Koedt. The myth of vaginal orgasm. New England Press791
Bell Hooks. Feminism is for everybody. South End Press Cambridge, 2010.
Delgado, Richard, and Jean Stefancic. Critical race theory: An introduction. NYU Press, 2017.
Trisha Joseph-Dottin. Dark Skin Women vs. Light Skin Women: Colorism Within Our Community, 2018.
Viglione, Jill, Lance Hannon, and Robert DeFina. “The impact of light skin on prison time for black female offenders.” The Social Science Journal 48.1 (2011): 250-258.
Descriptive Essay Sample #2
Describe three ways you would use to prevent infection at home
Maintain hygiene: the majority of the micro-organisms in the home often spread through contact. It follows, therefore, that if hygiene levels are improved. Family members must be trained to wash their hands using antibacterial soap at home. There is a concern, however that continued use of anti-bacterial soap could lead to the development of resistant triclosan.
When sick, avoid close contact with others: so that infections are not spread across family members.
Immunize family members: to prevent the first infection, the families need to maintain and keep up with all shots that are designed to prevent simple infections.
Essentially, a descriptive essay gives a detailed description of an object, person, situation, or phenomenon.
When writing this essay, summon your best literary skills and do not stray off-topic.
The samples above and the guide that precedes them will act as a roadmap to writing your descriptive essay.
But, do not copy the samples, as that is plagiarism.
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